Here is small video on MQTT using Flutter and riverpod.
Flutter: Plugin to get iso_countries
Often when we develop apps where we need to populate list of countries, search them etc, you may go by adding the data statically or using apis, but here lets use the power that lies with in your mobile phones. Most of the mobile system OS has these information embedded and we can avail those. I encountered a requirement while I was doing a personal project. I managed to create a plugin so that it benifit others, here you go
Find Comics, Action figures & Collectibles
I am crazy about Comics, action figures and collectible, I love to collect interesting figures which is my hobby/ passion. Whenever I travel to different places, I keep a day to explore possibilities to find toys and figures and here is a small list of places which really caught my interest, hope this list will find helpful for you also. Stockholm Denmark Prague Croatia Portugal (Albufiera) Barcelona Budapest
UICollectionViewCells are resetting their size on refresh
Recently I was working on a scrollable tab bar, where I decided to use collectionview with estimatedSize as automatic as the tab titles were dynamic. I used a stackView inside the cell with all proper constraints and used the default flowlayout. Everything worked well unless there was a requirement to reload the tabs and what happened was once the reload happens, size of the cells became wrong, they shrinked suddenly. I could use the sizeForItem api but then I loose the dynamic behavior. Finally below are the steps that I did. I was creating the layout programmatically Set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints false …
iOS: Handling network changes using Alamofire and Combine
Here is a small video where I tried to use Combine framework to listen to connectivity changes, worked like charm
I am back

Hey guys, after a long break I am back, I took a revamp at my website mainly because my web database got corrupted and couldnt get all my old data, so now I am having a new beginning with new stuffs, please continue giving me the same support as you gave before.